The Wellesley News (1929-12-19)
opinions abait the establishment of courses in esperimental theatre work at very stvongly that s uch courses should be instituted here a part of the academic curriculum t afford fuller opportunity for those eriously interested in dramatic work, particularly the various aspects of production, students should not be allowed to major in such a field, as that would bring the undesirable element of professionalism into college work; but earnest study in the experimental the atre line would be of gieat value in no only supplementing but acting as a link between the Departments of Art. English Composition. and Reading a d Speaking. Requirements for this course, to limit it to students seriously interested, would from the head of one of the departments perhaps being necessary. While students in this field would und ediy be of gi-eat assistance to Barn productions, no governing link should exist between the academic am extra-curricular dramatic work-would still offer to those interestei not vitally, in the theatre the freedom and fun of amateur efforts.